Saturday, April 5, 2014

Copper Canyon.

First hotel---->La Fuerte. We left Mazatlan in the morning and were on a bus for 6 hours to Los Mochis. We were traveling with our friends on Sea Otter and Antipodes. When we got to Los Mochis we took another bus for two hours to La Fuerte.  Basically we were on buses for 8 hours. When we got there one of the three brothers who run the hotel met us with a van brought us to our rooms. I shared a room with Max while mom and dad shared a room with Sam. We had a view of the river. After we got settled we went to dinner at a really cool place. The next morning we got up and went to tour the fort. After we went to the fort we went back to the hotel. The next day we did the river tour which was basically a hike after a ride in a row boat.
Sam, me, Adam and Ben D.
We saw petroglyphs and one of them looked like an alien.
See the alien head?
They were from 2500 years ago. It was pretty cool. On the hike from our hotel we could see the river really well.
Second hotel---> Posada Barrancas (Copper Canyon). The next morning we took the CHEPE train from La Fuerte and got off at Posada Barrancas. We were again met by the owner of our hotel. It was a cool place called Cabanas Diaz. There were horses there and dogs everywhere. It was a one room place for us. It had a fireplace in it. We all ate together at one big table in their kitchen. We went to a place on the canyon where some people did zip-lines but I wasn't feeling well and neither was Max. My mom, Max, Sam and I rode on the gondola down to meet them at the bottom. It was cool.

me and Max
Adam, me, Easton and Ben D.
The next day we got to ride horses along the canyon. It was fun and funny. Adam's horse wouldn't listen so Shauna had to switch with him!

The next day we took a tour in van and went to a town called Creel. We took the train from Creel to Chihuahua that afternoon and got in really late.

Third hotel-à Chihuahua. Our hotel is so clean and right next to the Cathedral. We did a city tour on a trolley car to see Pancho Villa’s house and saw picture of him dead and the car he died in was there too. I got new shoes because there were shoe stores everywhere. We ate Subway sandwiches. The next day we went to see some caves which were hot and stinky and slippery. I got some cool stones – a onyx arrowhead, an amethyst, some pyrite and another piece of onyx at the store at the end. When we left Chihuahua we took a 12 hour bus ride overnight and it was cool. We all had TVs at the backs of the seats in front of us. I listened to music and found some cool new songs to download to my iPod. We arrived back in Mazatlan in the morning and we were all tired.