Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Today is Wednesday, May 14, 2014.

         One  thing I really don't like about being down in Mexico is that all the good movies came out while we were down here and we cant find one that is not in Spanish and filmed with a cell phone in a movie theater by a random guy or girl with their phone so we can hear random laughing.  But we still managed to get a few good movies like Frozen, Turbo and Planes. Do you now about the boat with the little girl that got really sick during a passage to Hawaii? I'm asking because they were good friends of ours and there oldest girl they have is Samey's good friends. They would even bring their children to our boat and watch them so they could go shopping. Oh, I almost forgot to say sorry about not writing I was in the Sea of Cortez for a month and they don’t have WiFi so I couldn't write. The Sea is very beautiful but deserted. You can find things there called Chocolate Clams but they are not made of chocolate! They are brown. You find them on the bottom of the ocean when you see two holes. Max is good at getting them. One day he got 50! I got 6. They were delicious. Nancy on Antipodes made clam chowder (my favorite) and it was amazing. Max spearfished and got lobsters. Those were good too but I like shrimps better. I can't wait to go home to Seattle now. We will be there in 17 days! It is HOT here. We sweat all day long. 
Swinging on the beach in La Paz with Ben D. and Samey

Ice cream with Ben D. and Adam S.

Max's chocolate clams!